Thursday, January 14, 2010

Help Haiti, Follow AIDG

The Appropriate Infrastructure Development Group is a non-profit based in Boston that helps communities in Haiti (and Guatemala) get affordable and environmentally sound access to electricity, sanitation and clean water. They maximize the limits of social media when it comes to telling their story and reaching out to their audiences. I wrote about their blog in my book as an example of an organization that shares its knowledge and helps its followers spread its message.

The minute I heard about the earthquake in Haiti, I went on Twitter to see if the staff was reporting anything from the ground, if they were safe. As I suspected, their deputy director Cat Laine had news to share. She was tweeting about the telecom providers that seemed to work, the buildings that were not safe, the charities that were sending aid. I am not sure if Cat's in Haiti, Guatemala or in Boston -- but she has her ear to the ground and she's giving me information I cannot find elsewhere.

The next day, I turned to their blog. Sure enough, AIDG's Founder and Executive Director Peter Haas had posted about how his organization was working on helping people in Haiti. Below is his call to action and suggestion to support medical teams in Haiti. Please consider supporting them and follow their news.

"We are currently developing opportunities for AIDG to aid in reconstruction with the help of partners. We will make another announcement on this shortly.

As you all know we are a small organization. We require some basic additional budget resources immediately to help run an assessment that will determine this longer term response aimed at infrastructure and reconstruction. If possible mail checks to:

P.O. Box 104
Weston, MA 02493

We will actually receive these funds faster than online donations. We will be running a larger campaign in concert with our reconstruction announcement.

For those wishing to have an immediate direct impact on populations in Port Au Prince we are recommending supporting the medical response teams of Partners In Health. They are working with a field hospital set up by the UNDP that immediately needs pain meds, bandages and other medical supplies.

We ask you all to hold Haiti in your hearts and prayers as this tragedy unfolds.


Peter Haas
Executive Director, AIDG"


Work at home jobs said...

really very good post & the site is gives an idea about,the appropriate infrastructure development group The Appropriate Infrastructure Development Group which is a non-profit based in Boston that helps communities in Haiti (and Guatemala) get affordable and environmentally sound access to electricity, sanitation and clean water.

Blaine said...

I appreciate how quickly they mobilized their resources for aid efforts.